Dear devotees and friends of the Ashram,
Please join our upcoming festival for the celebration of The Divine Appearance of the founder of the Sri Chaitanya Math and worldwide Sri Gaudiya Maths, Bhagavan Sri Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad. This year the occasion falls on Sunday, February 28th. Join us for a beautiful daytime program in Santa Cruz beginning at noon.
Yours in the Lord’s service,
Sushila Devi Dasi
Divine Appearance Festival of Bhagavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Santa Cruz: 12 Noon
San Jose: 6 pm arotik, 6:30 prasadam, 7 pm kirtans and discourse
sri siddhanta-saraswatiti
vidito gaudiya-gurv-anvaye
bhato bhanuriva prabhata-gagane
yo gaura-sankirtanaih
uddhritya jivaniman
pradat prabhum tam bhaje

–Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj

–Informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
on Bhagavan Srila B.S. Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad’s appearance day, 28 February 2005.
on Bhagavan Srila B.S. Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad’s appearance day, 28 February 2005.
A particularly clear recording:

You can follow the song by reading here:
Sri Dayita Das Pranati Panchakam (pdf file).

Do not criticise the characters of others; purify yourself. This is my advice.
In the policy of Mahaprabhu we do not find the policies of the ksatriyas, vaishyas, shudras, or yavanas. We understand from His teachings that He supported the highest of the rishis’ policies. Following His lead, we also will support Brahma’s policy: Bhagavat-dharma.
Serving the residents of Vraja who are heartbroken in separation after Krishna’s departure for Mathura is our highest ideal.”
In the policy of Mahaprabhu we do not find the policies of the ksatriyas, vaishyas, shudras, or yavanas. We understand from His teachings that He supported the highest of the rishis’ policies. Following His lead, we also will support Brahma’s policy: Bhagavat-dharma.
Serving the residents of Vraja who are heartbroken in separation after Krishna’s departure for Mathura is our highest ideal.”
–Excerpt from My Advice by Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Originally published in the print magazine
Sri Gaudiya Darshan, on February 10, 1956.